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Showing posts from November, 2009

Responding to Unfinished Business

Emm I read your comment to my post "Unfinished Business" in its entirety and wanted to respond to some of the things you said in a separate post as I think it would be beneficial for my readers. First of all I want to assure you that I am indeed a Christian who believes Almighty God grants forgiveness through Christ to repentant sinners ( 1John 1:9 , Acts 4:12 , Psalm 103:12 ). I am thankful that He chose to have mercy on me, a sinner. The wages of sin is death thus we are all condemned unless we, through no merit of our own, have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ ( Romans 6:23 ; 3:10-28 ; Ephesians 2:8-9 ). Do I believe God saves liars, adulterers, murderers and thieves alike? Absolutely. Has God chosen to save Ramon Salcido? I haven't a clue and have no reason to speculate one way or the other. My only familiarity with the man stems from his crimes in April 1989. I will say this though. It is as easy to confess Christ while sitting on death row as...

Let's Get Ready to Grrumble!!

... or not.... I am trying to be grateful. Currently I am most appreciate of the following things: 1) Tamiflu I recommend it if you get H1N1 and do not recommend H1N1 to anyone. If you don't believe me check with my friend, Hobster. He'll tell you the same thing. 2) Vitamin B-12 injections Pernicious Anemia used to be a fatal disease. I just get to have B12 injections every few weeks rather than be dead. What's not to like about that? 3) MRIs Yeah, I flunked my first couple because of claustrophobia- but in great Kentucky tradition I finally 'got her done' and while mine shows some really bad stuff, without it there's no telling what my diagnosis and prognosis would be. If I understood the very kind neurosurgeon when I am in enough pain I'll beg him for surgery, until then we will just manage it with drugs and therapy. That's it for now. I miss blogging. I miss working. I miss quite a bit. That learning to be content thing that Paul talked abou...

Recognizing False Teachers

My pastor preached on Matthew 7:15-20 today. I always look forward to what I am going to learn from him. His sermon reminded me of my presumption of mercy from God. Being able to come boldly before His throne should never include being presumptuous. I was convicted by my cavalier attitude regarding my faith. In fact, there were several areas he touched on that were convicting for me, but that's not really the object of this post. In dealing with the scripture and admonishing us to be discerning about those who claim to belong to Christ, he gave us a quick outline on how to recognize false prophets. I spend a lot of time listening to men like my pastor and my friend James White. I want to be prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within me and I want to be able to discern truth from error. God gave us our intellect for that very reason. So, I thought I would pass on this quick outline of things to look for when you listen to someone preach about our Lord. In a day or ...