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The Gospel, The Call to Follow Christ , Adoption and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Today I was reading an excellent post found here on Steve Camp's blog. It is thought provoking and meaty and talks about the biblical call to follow Christ. I was deep in thought when I got an email from one of my favorite people in the world. She is a solid believer who has seen me through more misadventures than you can imagine. Vicki is a doer. She is good hearted, has a great sense of humor and comes armed with the gift of helps. She is also a deep thinker. As we emailed back and forth I got brave enough to give her the link to my blog. One thing led to another and I found myself asking if there was a topic she would like to see me write about. She most emphatically did have a suggestion and I should have known it wouldn't be an easy topic.

Vicki and I both have friends or family whose lives have been impacted by a person with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Most, if not all of these are families who adopted children with FAS. Vicki asked me to write about what I would advise a Christian family if they were to adopt a child with FAS. She is looking for practical help, not philosophical help. She recognizes that God is the ultimate answer, what she's looking for are all the steps in between here and going home with Jesus that parents might be considering. Vicki is an advocate of adoption and thinks that Christians should be adopting children, especially children with special needs. However, we both know first hand the terrible pain and agony that comes with adopting a child with FAS- for both parent and child. This is a huge topic. It is not one that I will take lightly and frankly as I told her, I am not certain that I am up to the challenge.

Thinking about FAS children and the post at 'Camp On This' has occupied most of my day. I keep being drawn back to two answers. First, I will offer my thoughts on Steve's post. Men try to change the gospel to make it more palatable not for the seeker but for themselves. It is the fear of man that they give into and has nothing to do with the desire to see people saved at any cost. They fear rejection if they present the facts, so they start out trying to put the 'gospel pill' in something that's easy to swallow. It is a selfish act, it is a foolish act and it is destined to cause painful consequences.

Secondly, regarding FAS children and adoption. I have less fear of sharing the gospel with the harshest cynic than I have trying to address this topic. There are so many things to consider as there are a spectrum of behaviors that come with having FAS and not all adoptions of FAS children have been as dramatic as the ones we are privy to. The cases we are familiar with include children who are suicidal, violent and dangerous. These kids lie, steal and terrorize their families because they lack empathy and self-control. They end up in trouble with the law, without an education and often spend their early adult years homeless. Their parents love them and are frazzled beyond belief. If I have something to offer these families, I want it to be a balm for their souls. I don't want to slap some pithy comments down and push on to the next thing. So I am going to be thinking about this, praying about this and waiting until I have something worth saying. Meanwhile, I recommend you click that link to 'Camp on This" and read something worthwhile.

Proverbs 25:11 {Like} apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.

Prov 10:19-21
19 When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise.
20 The tongue of the righteous is {as} choice silver, the heart of the wicked is {worth} little.
21 The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of understanding.

Eccl 6:11
11 For there are many words which increase futility. What {then} is the advantage to a man?


Kari said…
I am the adoptive parent of two children with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders). I am also the sister of 4 siblings who my parents adopted from the foster care system who had prenatal exposure to alcohol and early childhood trauma. My sister, now an adult, is currently dying from her own alcoholism. I write on my blog about my family's journey with FASD - - and I invite you to visit.

I am a Christian and my only question to you would be "If not us, WHO?!" Here am I Lord, send me, send me. ~Kari

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