"The principle object of God's eye is the inward and secret frame of the soul: labor, therefore, to be cleansed from secret sins." 'If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.' Psalm 66:18 'Behold, you delight in truth inthe inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.' Psalm 51:6 "Therefore He is often said in Scripture to 'search the heart and reins,' which intimates His special observation of the secret frame. It is true that God gives charge against open sins. Why? Because He would not have any to be profane; and so He gives singular charge against secret sins. Why? Because He cannot endure any to be hypocritical. The man is to God what his inside is. If you work wickedness in your heart, God will destroy you. Plaster your visible part with all sorts of pious expressions: if yet you can set up a form of sinning within, you are notable hypocrites. The Lord sees you to be false and rott...
Musing of a mostly sane, perfectly saved and yet entirely flawed bible believing woman and biblical counselor.