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Why We're Not Honest in Prayer.

Because if we were honest our prayers might sound like this..... and we'd rather appear to be holy than to actually be transformed into His image.

Dear God,

I've come to equivocate for a few minutes. It won't take too much of your time, just long enough to assuage my guilt for not spending time with you. More importantly I want to be certain not to spend so much time that my attempts to manipulate you are glaringly apparent. Let's get started, shall we?

OK. I know I haven't really spent much time with you lately and I haven't been all that busy. I have been avoiding you.  I should be ashamed of myself, but my lack of communication with you isn't what's bothering me right now.  What's bothering me is your lack of outreach where I am concerned.  I mean, you raised Lazarus from the dead, surely a small miracle to prove that you're paying attention to me wouldn't be so hard for you to do. My faith could really use a boost and that's the surest way I can think of for you to get my attention.  I'd appreciate it if you'd stop making me wait, it really freaks me out and makes me question your existence.

I know you're probably annoyed with me about the way I dislike that new woman in our women's ministry. Really, who does she think she is? I wouldn't have such a problem with her if she'd just know her place.  She must think she is Super Christian. I know I told her we didn't need any help with the letter writing ministry.  It was a little white lie but really, does it matter? How could she possibly have anything encouraging to say to the missionaries we support? She doesn't even know them. Frankly, I don't understand why she offered.

Is there anything you can do to get the Pastor to preach a little quicker?  Sunday is such a big day between church in the morning and church at night. It would help to get out on time or even a little earlier than normal. It would be great to get into a restaurant before the rest of the town comes for their after church gossip fest.

My checking account is overdrawn and that's why I haven't tithed.  I think I will buy a lottery ticket and if I win, I promise I will tithe some of the winnings. You're God, you can arrange that, right?  I'll give a little every year or a lump sum percentage once I find the perfect house and car and travel to see family members and stuff. That sounds fair, doesn't it?

Yeah, OK. Well, there's more but I am tired, let me go down the list and finish quickly. My split ends, could you heal those?  Could you get my son's teacher off my back? I think it's pretty normal for kids to experiment with language, it's not like he hurt anyone physically and she is so boring her classes could use some disruption. Oh and I have to go shopping in the city tomorrow, bless me with no traffic and close parking spots.

I pray this in Jesus' name,

There is no such thing as a little white sin. There is no sense in prevaricating with God. If we were to pray honestly it would expose the selfishness in our hearts and that might be too difficult a reflection to see.

If you can't be honest with God you probably have no real appreciation for the perilous state of your immortal soul.

Proverbs 6:16-19

English Standard Version (ESV)
16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
    seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
    and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
    feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,
    and one who sows discord among brothers.


Greg Linscott said…
I came across your blog while searching for Biblical counseling resources related to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Have you ever come across anything you could recommend? We have 3 adopted children, and at least one is likely affected (they are a sibling group).
Greg Linscott said…
I came across your blog while searching for Biblical counseling resources related to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Have you ever come across anything you could recommend? We have 3 adopted children, and at least one is likely affected (they are a sibling group).
rosemarie said…
Greg, Thanks for the comment and I am going to do a post on FAS/FASD. I wish I had answers for you and your children. I do have hope, please don't lose yours!

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